Free Play Productions
Free Play Productions   Stephen Nachmanovitch











Let there be light:

 An evening of  Visual Music


Stephen Nachmanovitch has been working in the field of visual music since the mid 1970's, combining media that include computer graphics and music, video, slide-tape shows and others. Many of the earlier works have been updated to digital format. We can create a concert of works for your institution based on your equipment, facilities, and audience interests.

A sampling of works:

2011-14 Viola da Synesthesia Series

2009-10 Viola da Synesthesia Series

Job's Return: Music & Multimedia on William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job (2002)

First Life: Video (1984/2014)

Unstoppable: Computer graphics and original music (1999)

Goldberg Aria: Music by Bach, computer graphics (1998)

Zmusic: algorithmic visual music software (1988)

Marcel Duchamps Memorial String Band: video (1987)

Taming the Mind Ox: Zen art and original music (1985, 2006).

Doors of Perception (1979)

The Four Zoas (1978)